Tim’s Gratitude Experiment
Say Yes to the Mess (of Life)
The way I see it, we have two basic choices.
We can say “Yes” to life. Or we can say “No.”
Complaining, whining, bitching, and moaning is a no.
Fearmongering is a no.
Tearing people down is a no.
Buying into a victim mentality and perpetuating a victim mindset is a big no.
I’m not saying everything is wonderful out there. What I’m suggesting is that we can choose our inner intention. We can fix our own mental backyard.
We can become part of the solution instead of the problem.
How to say yes?
Gratitude is a good start.
You may have heard that you have two wolves in your mind. Feed the good wolf. Look for beautiful things, and the good wolf grins.
Do you think there’s nothing beautiful in your life? I guarantee you there’s something. Even the ugly contains beauty.